+91 6364636450
Property Management & Background Verification Company


The RealtyCheck

RealtyCheck is a Property Management Services company providing end-to-end property related services to owners staying away from their property. We will be your one-stop shop for all services needed to cater to your property needs. From Key management for tenants to home improvement requirements on your property, we bring to you hassle free services from competent vendors.

Our process
Ours is simple 4-step process to provide stress free service to our clients

Create an account on our app

Choose your plan (Choose a plan that best suits your needs)
You can choose from our periodic service plans or opt for individual or multiple service tasks, based on your needs. For all maintenance works our team will source vendors and coordinate the same for you.

Service Request (You raise a service request online; we carry it out in person)
Any property service that you require of us, kindly raise a service request by signing into your customer account and filling in the required property details. We will get back to you at the earliest to get the work started.

Working Process (We manage your property for you)

  • On receiving the service request, we evaluate your request and initiate the job with the vendor, as required.
  • Customer will have to pay the initial service fee, as per vendor availability.
  • A payment of token advance will be done to the vendor and our team member will co-ordinate with them to get the work started.
  • We will take care of monitoring the progress and send you periodic reports, with pictures and any other supporting documents.
  • Final payment will be made to the vendor based on confirmation from you.